Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter in India

Sumer Metal Industries Private Limited is a specialized Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns Manufacturer in India.  We produce these Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns on a huge scale and sell them to buyers all around the world at low prices. Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and standards. They have exceptional attributes such as a sturdy structure, appealing design, and a smooth surface finish, among others. The manufacturing processes are carried out with the most up-to-date machines and equipment, all of which are operated by qualified and skilled operators.

High Pressure Seamless Butt Welding 180° Return, ANSI B16.9 Seamless Buttwelding 180° Return, Seamless Butt Welding 180 Deg Returns, Stainless Steel Seamless Buttwelding 180 Degree Return, High Nickel Alloy Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns Manufacturer, Supplier, Stockist in India.

SWe are the leading manufacturer, exporter, and supplier of Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns of superior quality. Seamless Buttweld, 180-degree Returns are a sort of product that is created straight from a segment of seamless pipe material, then subjected to pressure and heat to transform it into the shape of an elbow or another shape. We guarantee Pipe Bend that these Fittings will be delivered on time, as promised. Our warehouse staff is always available to take your order and prepare it for delivery.  As one of the largest suppliers and dealers of  Pipe Bend Fitting in India, we are the largest supplying company of Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns at the most competitive prices.

Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns Specification

Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns size Welded Returns : 1/2″ – 48″
Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns Dimensions ASME/ANSI B16.9, ASME B16.28, MSS-SP-43, BS4504, BS4504, BS1560, BS10
Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns Thickness SCH10, SCH20, SCH30, STD SCH40, SCH60, XS, SCH 80, SCH 100, SCH 120, SCH 140, SCH 160, XXS available with NACE MR 01-75
Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns Connection Welding
Size Range ½” NB to 24″ NB in Sch 10s, 40s, 80s, 160s, XXS. (DN6~DN100) Buttweld Returns
ASME B16.9 Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns Manufacturing process Push, Press, Forge, Cast, etc.
Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns Test Certificates EN 10204/3.1B
Raw Materials Certificate
100% Radiography Test Report
Third Party Inspection Report, etc

Manufacturing Standards of Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns

ASME B16.9 Buttweld Returns Factory-Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns, Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns, Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns, Butt Weld Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns
ASME B16.28 Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns, Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns, Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns, Butt Weld Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns
MSS SP43 Wrought and Fabricated Butt-Welding Fittings for Low Pressure, Corrosion Resistant Applications Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns, Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns, Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns, Butt Weld Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns
MSS SP75 Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns, Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns, Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns, Butt Weld Seamless Buttwelding 180° Returns

Butt weld Seamless Buttwelding 180° / 180° Pipe Returns has the following advantages:

  1. High strength and general corrosion resistance
  2. Sulfide stress corrosion resistance is good.
  3. Chloride pitting and crevice corrosion resistance
  4. Higher resistance to stress corrosion cracking caused by chloride
  5. Welding and conforming is simple.

Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns Dimension Chart

Nominal Diameter Outside Diameter Center to End
D1 D2
DN NPS Series A Series B Series A Series B C M
15×15 1/2×1/2 21.3 18 21.3 18 25 25
15×10 1/2×3/8 21.3 18 17.3 14 25 25
15×8 1/2×1/4 21.3 18 13.7 10 25 25
20×20 3/4×3/4 26.9 25 26.9 25 29 29
20×15 3/4×1/2 26.9 25 21.3 18 29 29
20×10 3/4×3/8 26.9 25 17.3 14 29 29
25×25 1×1 33.7 32 33.7 32 38 38
25×20 1×3/4 33.7 32 26.9 25 38 38
25×15 1×1/2 33.7 32 21.3 18 38 38
32×32 1.1/4×1.1/4 42.4 38 42.4 38 48 48
32×25 1.1/4×1 42.4 38 33.7 32 48 48
32×20 1.1/4×3/4 42.4 38 26.9 25 48 48
32×15 1.1/4×1/2 42.4 38 21.3 18 48 48
40×40 1.1/2×1.1/2 48.3 45 48.3 45 57 57
40×32 1.1/2×1.1/4 48.3 45 42.4 38 57 57
40×25 1.1/2×1 48.3 45 33.7 32 57 57
40×20 1.1/2×3/4 48.3 45 26.9 25 57 57
40×15 1.1/2×1/2 48.3 45 21.3 18 57 57
50×50 2×2 60.3 57 60.3 57 64 64
50×40 2×1.1/2 60.3 57 48.3 45 64 60
50×32 2×1.1/4 60.3 57 42.4 38 64 57
50×25 2×1 60.3 57 33.7 32 64 51
50×20 2×3/4 60.3 57 26.9 25 64 44
65×65 2/1/2×2.1/2 73.0 76 73.0 76 76 76
65×50 2/1/2×2 73.0 76 60.3 57 76 70
65×40 2/1/2×1.1/2 73.0 76 48.3 45 76 67
65×32 2/1/2×1.1/4 73.0 76 42.4 38 76 64
65×25 2/1/2×1 73.0 76 33.7 32 76 57
80×80 3×3 88.9 89 88.9 89 86 86
80×65 3×2.1/2 88.9 89 73.0 76 86 83
80×50 3×2 88.9 89 60.3 57 86 76
80×40 3×1.1/2 88.9 89 48.3 45 86 73
80×32 3×1.1/4 88.9 89 42.4 38 86 70
90×90 3.1/2×3.1/2 101.6 101.6 95 95
90×80 3.1/2×3 101.6 88.9 89 95 92
90×65 3.1/2×2.1/2 101.6 73.0 76 95 89
90×50 3.1/2×2 101.6 60.3 57 95 83
90×40 3.1/2×1.1/2 101.6 48.3 45 95 79
100×100 4×4 114.3 108 114.3 108 105 105
100×90 4×3.1/2 114.3 108 101.6 105 102
100×80 4×3 114.3 108 88.9 89 105 98
100×65 4×2.1/2 114.3 108 73.0 76 105 95
100×50 4×2 114.3 108 60.3 57 105 89
100×40 4×1.1/2 114.3 108 48.3 45 105 86
125×125 5×5 141.3 133 141.3 133 124 124
125×100 5×4 141.3 133 114.3 108 124 117
125×90 5×3.1/2 141.3 101.6 124 114
125×80 5×3 141.3 133 88.9 89 124 111
125×65 5×2.1.2 141.3 133 73.0 76 124 108
125×50 5×2 141.3 133 60.3 57 124 105
150×150 6×6 168.3 159 168.3 159 143 143
150×125 6×5 168.3 159 141.3 133 143 137
150×100 6×4 168.3 159 114.3 108 143 130
150×90 6×3.1/2 168.3 101.6 143 127
150×80 6×3 168.3 159 88.9 89 143 124
150×65 6×2.1/2 168.3 159 73.0 76 143 121
200×200 8×8 219.1 219 219.1 219 178 178
200×150 8×6 219.1 219 168.3 159 178 168
200×125 8×5 219.1 219 141.4 133 178 162
200×100 8×4 219.1 219 114.3 108 178 156
200×90 8×3.1/2 219.1 101.6 178 152
250×250 10×10 273.0 273 273.0 273 216 216
250×200 10×8 273.0 273 219.1 219 216 203
250×150 10×6 273.0 273 168.3 159 216 194
250×125 10×5 273.0 273 141.3 133 216 191
250×100 10×4 273.0 273 114.3 108 216 184
300×300 12×12 323.9 325 323.9 325 254 254
300×250 12×10 323.9 325 273.0 273 254 241
300×200 12×8 323.9 325 219.1 219 254 229
300×150 12×6 323.9 325 168.3 159 254 219
300×125 12×5 323.9 325 141.3 133 254 216
350×350 14×14 355.6 377 355.6 377 279 279
350×300 14×12 355.6 377 323.9 325 279 270
350×250 14×10 355.6 377 273.0 273 279 257
350×200 14×8 355.6 377 219.1 219 279 248
350×150 14×6 355.6 377 168.3 159 279 238
400×400 16×16 406.4 426 406.4 426 305 305
400×350 16×14 406.4 426 355.6 377 305 305
400×300 16×12 406.4 426 323.9 325 305 295
400×250 16×10 406.4 426 273.0 273 305 283
400×200 16×8 406.4 426 219.1 219 305 273
400×150 16×6 406.4 426 168.3 159 305 264
450×450 18×18 457 480 457 480 343 343
450×400 18×16 457 480 406.4 426 343 330
450×350 18×14 457 480 355.6 377 343 330
450×300 18×12 457 480 323.9 325 343 321
450×250 18×10 457 480 273.0 273 343 308
450×200 18×8 457 480 219.1 219 343 298
500×500 20×20 508 530 508 530 381 381
500×450 20×20 508 530 457 480 381 368
500×400 20×20 508 530 406.4 426 381 356
500×350 20×20 508 530 355.6 377 381 356
500×300 20×20 508 530 323.9 325 381 346
500×250 20×20 508 530 273.0 273 381 333
500×200 20×20 508 530 219.1 219 381 324

Some of our specialties that help us be a successful business partner for our clients include:

  • Taking a customer-centric approach
  • Products of exceptional quality
  • Deliveries on time
  • Size and specifications can be customized.
  • Pricing that is competitive

Buttweld Fittings Standard

American Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns Standard
Standard Code Standard Name
ANSI ASME SA-234 Forged Durimet pipe fittings
ANSI ASME B16.9 Factory-Made wrought Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns
ANSI ASME B16.28 Wrought Pipe Bend butt-welding short radius Pipe Bends and returns
ISO 5251 Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns
MSS SP-43 Wrought Carbon Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns
MSS SP-75 Forging butt-welding fittings
German Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns Standard
DIN 2605 Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns Pipe Bends and bends
DIN 2615 Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns Pipe Bend
DIN 2616 Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns reducers
DIN 2617 Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns caps
Japanese Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns Standard
JIS B2311 Universal Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns
JIS B2312 Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns
JIS B2313 Pipe Bend plate butt-welding pipe fittings
Russian Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns Standard
Gost17375 Carbon and low-alloy Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns. Sharply curved bends type 3D (R=1,5 DN). Design
Gost17376 Carbon and low-alloy Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns.Pipe Bend. Design
Gost30753 Carbon and low-alloy Pipe Bend butt-weldings fittings. Sharply curved bends type 2D (R=DN). Design
Gost17378 Carbon and low-alloy Pipe Bend butt-weldings. Reducers. Design
Gost17379 Carbon and low-alloy Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns. Elliptical caps. Design
Gost17380 Carbon and low-alloy Pipe Bend butt-weldings fittings. General specifications
Other Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns Standard
EN 1025 3 Butt-welding pipe fittings

Supplier of Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns in the following cities

Manufacturers, Suppliers of Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns:
Bengaluru Mumbai Chennai Hyderabad Kolkata Pune
New Delhi Ahmedabad Jaipur Surat Salem Gandhinagar
Bhiwandi Tiruppur Sivakasi Jamnagar Thiruvananthapuram Rajahmundry
Bhubaneswar Vijaywada Firozabad Bokaro Pipe Bend City Rajkot Bharuch
Panna Raipur Cochin Ludhiana Panipat Durgapur
Peenya Pimpri-Chinchwad Channapatna Kharagpur Nashik Bareilly
Varanasi Haldia Rourkela Bangalore Moradabad Indore
Visakhapatnam Trivandrum Pithampur Dibrugarh Angul Gwalior
Coimbatore Kannur Nagpur Vadodara Rudrapur Noida
Agra Bhagalpur Jamshedpur Bhilai Lucknow kanpur
Thane Bhopal Navi Mumbai Vasai Bikaner Maharashtra

Our Sales Network of Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns in Below Countries:

Countries we supply and export Seamless Buttwelding 180°Returns worldwide:
Saudi Arabia Oman Kuwait Netherlands Iran
Bahrain Qatar UAE Africa China
Nigeria Mexico Canada Venezuela United Kingdom
United States South Africa Malaysia Bangladesh Turkey
Singapore Sri Lanka Australia Brazil Germany
France Italy South Korea Poland Belgium